I probably could have come up with an individual post for each of these news stories. But it’s been a long week, so I decided to combine them and have some fun. Feel free to comment on one or both. Story #1 – Little Tikes is dialing up a lousy toy – submitted by Angella. …
I often get asked what the keys are to a good blog. The way I see it, there are three: Content Visitors Comments If you can accomplish the above-list, I’d be willing to bet that you have a pretty good blog. So along those lines, I try to write posts that will not only attract…
Here at The Constant Complainer, in addition to my own posts, readers can submit Guest Posts on topics they would like to complain about. William Gatherer submitted the below-Guest Post. His complaint is cell phone use while driving. Enjoy and without further adieu, here’s William. Each one of us has had to take a driver’s…
Welcome to the award winning blog of The Constant Complainer This may sound like a bizarre question, but I’d really like an answer to it. Why is it that whenever I drive past a police officer, they are driving while talking on their cell phone? It never fails – every single time I pass an…