December has been a very busy month. And keeping up with new content has been difficult during the holiday season. So I apologize if I haven’t published as many posts and commented on as many blogs as I normally do during the last few weeks. I’m trying to catch up as we speak and promise…
All Posts / Celebrities / Entertainment / Law and Order / Moron of the Week Award / Sports
2010 / 9 Iron / 911 Calls / Cleveland / Cleveland Radio Stations / College Football Bowl Games / Elin Nordegren / Florida / Gregory J. Oras / Happy New Year / Holiday Season / Les in the Morning Show / Misuse of 911 / Moron of the Week / Moron of the Week Award / MSN / MSNBC / New Year's Eve 2009 / OH / Oldsmar / Pinellas County Sheriff's Office / Police Reports / Sheriff's Deputies / Tasers / Thanksgiving / Tiger Woods / Tiger Woods' Birthday / WEOL AM 930 /
First, I’d like to congratulate Tiger Woods on being our “Moron of the Week Award” winner. Every time I start to feel bad about the media pummeling him, I realize that he might just deserve it. However, John Marcotte was the runner-up for this week’s award. John is the California man who, according to the…
All Posts / Business / Celebrities / Entertainment / Family/Lifestyle / Group Sharing / Moron of the Week Award / Movies
Basic Instinct 2 / Billy Murray / California / California Protection of Marriage Act / Courtney Cox / Dan Aykroyd / David Arquette / Divorce / Ernie Hudson / Ghostbusters 3 / Harold Ramis / Harrison Ford / Huffington Post / IMDB / Indiana Jones 5 / John Marcotte / Lethal Weapon 5 / Mel Gibson / Moron of the Week / Moron of the Week Award / Movie Complaints / Movie Sequels / Movies / Neve Campbell / Scream 4 / Scream Trilogy / Sex and the City 2 / Sex and the City Movie / Tiger Woods / Tim Allen / Tom Hanks / Toy Story 3 /
Please help me congratulate Joshua Basso of Tampa, Florida. He is the recipient of this week’s “Moron of the Week Award.” I’d also like to thank readers Leo Nevoli and John for bringing this story to my attention. Joshua was arrested on November 11th and charged with misuse of the 911 system (a misdemeanor). What…
All Posts / Family/Lifestyle / General Moaning / Law and Order / Moron of the Week Award
Criminals / Florida / Hillsborough County / Idiots / In the News / Joshua Basso / Misuse of 911 / Moron of the Week / Moron of the Week Award / Morons / Mug Shots / Strange Arrests / Strange News / Stupid People / Tampa / Tampa Police Department / The Smoking Gun /
Congratulations to Aaron Siebers of Denver, Colorado for being this week’s award-winner. And thanks to Leo Nevoli for bringing this story to my attention. According to an article by The Smoking Gun, Siebers was arrested by the Edgewater, Colorado Police on November 2nd for concocting quite an interesting story. Siebers, “a Blockbuster employee, was skateboarding…
All Posts / Business / Family/Lifestyle / General Moaning / Law and Order / Moron of the Week Award / Retail
Aaron Siebers / Blockbuster / Blockbuster Employees / Colorado / Denver / Edgewater / Moron of the Week / Moron of the Week Award / Morons / Police Reports / Self Inflicted Wounds / Skateboarding / Stupid People / The City of Edgewater / The Smoking Gun /
Providing monthly recap posts is a growing trend among bloggers. It’s an easy way to summarize your blog’s statistics, thank a few people and address anything else having to do with the last month. So I decided to jump on the bandwagon and will add this feature moving forward. So if this interests you, great! And…
All Posts / Entertainment / Group Sharing / Monthly Recaps
Black Friday / Blog Suggestions / Blog Summaries / Blogging / Complaints / Complaints All Around / How to Blog / Monthly Statistics / Moron of the Week / Moron of the Week Award / Thanksgiving /
Opps, we didn’t do it again. I’m sorry to use part of that lame Britney Spears‘ quote, but in this case it was necessary. I was fully prepared to announce this morning that we had defended our title, that The Constant Complainer had won and that we were again recognized as the “Best Local Blog”…
All Posts / Business / Entertainment / Family/Lifestyle / General Moaning / Law and Order / Parenting / Schools
Back Injury / Best Of / Blog Awards / Blogging / Britney Spears / Cleveland / Cleveland Scene / FX / Grill / Gunpowder / Halloween / Moron of the Week / Moron of the Week Award / Morons / Nip Tuck / OH / Road Kill / Stupid People / Waiting For Next Year / Zachary Christie /
I was a guest on the “Les in the Morning” show on WEOL 930 AM today. The interview was a blast. We talked about complaining, blogging and customer service. I also shared some of my favorite stories, discussed the “Moron of the Week Award” and explained why The Constant Complainer has become so popular. You…
All Posts / Business / Celebrities / Entertainment / Family/Lifestyle / General Moaning / Law and Order / Medicine / Parenting / Politics / Religion / Schools / Sports
Awards / Blogging / Blogs / Complaining / Complaints / Customer Service / In the News / Interviews / Moaning / Moans / Moron of the Week / Moron of the Week Award / Morons / Radio / Radio Show /
First, I’m sorry that I’m a few days behind on reading and commenting on some of your blogs. As you know, I’m always very good at doing so, but this past weekend was very busy and that’s normally when I do most of my online work. Today is one of those days where there are…
All Posts / Business / Celebrities / Entertainment / Family/Lifestyle / General Moaning / Law and Order / Parenting / Sports
Brett Farve / Consumer Power / Consumer Rights / Consumerism / Consumers / Customer Service / Eric Dane / ESPN / Green Bay Packers / Grey's Anatomy / Kari Ann Peniche / Minnesota Vikings / Moron / Moron of the Week / Moron of the Week Award / Morons / NFL / Rebecca Gayheart / Stupid People / TMZ /
Hand down – Ryan O’Neal is this week’s “Moron of the Week Award” winner. Words can not express what I was thinking when I heard this story on the radio earlier. I couldn’t wait to get home and verify it. Ryan O’Neal, Farrah Fawcett’s longtime lover, hit on his own daughter at Farrah’s funeral, because…
All Posts / Celebrities / Entertainment / Family/Lifestyle / Moron of the Week Award / Parenting
Celebrities / Hollywood / Moron / Moron of the Week / Moron of the Week Award / Morons / Ryan O'Neal / Stupid People / Tatum O'Neal /
Because of the strangeness associated with this story, rather than accepting nominations, I decided to award Stephanie Gregory Clifford the “Moron of the Week Award” for this week. But wait, you don’t know who Stephanie Gregory Clifford is? Are you sure? That’s OK; I didn’t either. That’s because she is better known by her other…
All Posts / Celebrities / Entertainment / Family/Lifestyle / Law and Order / Moron of the Week Award / Politics
AVN Awards / David Vitter / Moron / Moron of the Week / Moron of the Week Award / Morons / Political Office / Politics / Stephanie Gregory Clifford / Stormy Daniels / U.S. Senate /