I have long considered starting a segment on here called the “WTF Files.” And after Tuesday’s Casey Anthony not-guilty verdict, I guess now is as good a time as any. As a parent, it’s hard not to have strong feelings about what happened to little Caylee Anthony. Prosecutors say that Caylee was murdered by her…
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Attorney / Casey Anthony / Caylee Marie Anthony / Chief Judge Belvin Perry Jr. / CNN / FL / Frank George / George and Cindy Anthony / J. Cheney Mason / Jeff Ashton / Jose Baez / Karen Levey / Lawson Lamar / Linda Drane Burdick / Murder Trial / Nancy Grace / Orange County / Orlando / Pinellas County / Roy Kronk / Russell Huekler /
This particular story is a great follow-up to the “We Are the U.S.” post. Thank you to one of our readers, Steve, for bringing it to my attention. Would you like to live in North Dakota? If so, the city of Hazelton is offering a pretty sweet deal to interested families. According to an Associated…
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Associated Press / Bankrupt Towns / Bistros / Curling / FL / Hazelton / Miami / Michael and Jeanette Tristani / North Dakota / Sleeping with the Enemy / Sweet Home Alabama / The Hazelton Development Corporation / We Are the World / Winter Olympics /