Whether you’re a sports’ enthusiast, NBA fan or neither, surely you’ve heard about “The Decision.” That was the name given to LeBron James’ one-hour television spectacle which was held on July 8th. And I call it a “spectacle” because that’s exactly what it was. LeBron, who many believe is the best basketball player in the…
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Cleveland Cavaliers / CNN / ESPN / LeBron James / LRMR Marketing / Maverick Carter / Miami Heat / NBA / Race Discrimination / Risk Management / The Decision / The Race Card /
It’s always troubling when a life ends too soon and seemingly unnecessarily. Chris Henry, who played for the Cincinnati Bengals, died this morning after falling out of the back of a moving pickup truck yesterday. According to TMZ’s story, Henry got “into the back of the truck, in an attempt to stop his fiancée from…
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911 Calls / Celebrities / Celebrity Deaths 2009 / Chris Henry / Cincinnati Bengals / Domestic Situations / End Game / ESPN / Loleini Tonga / Marriage / NFL / North Carolina / Professional Athletes / Professional Football Players / Relationships / Sports / TMZ / Wedding Rings / Weddings /
I love TMZ. I really do. They are great at breaking news stories and obtaining the hard-to-get files. But I’d like the record to reflect that I actually beat them to the punch on the Tiger Woods’ story. As you know, Tiger, the world’s most famous golfer, was taken to the hospital around 2:30 a.m….
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911 / 911 Calls / Automobile Accidents / Cadillac Escalade / Car Accidents / Celebrities / Celebrity Accidents / CNN / Elin Nordegren / ESPN / Golf / JFK / National Enquirer / PGA Golfers / PGA Tour / Polygraph Test / Rachel Uchitel / The National Enquirer / Tiger / Tiger Woods / Tiger Woods Automobile Accident / Tiger Woods Statement / TMZ / Wayne Knight /
First, I’m sorry that I’m a few days behind on reading and commenting on some of your blogs. As you know, I’m always very good at doing so, but this past weekend was very busy and that’s normally when I do most of my online work. Today is one of those days where there are…
All Posts / Business / Celebrities / Entertainment / Family/Lifestyle / General Moaning / Law and Order / Parenting / Sports
Brett Farve / Consumer Power / Consumer Rights / Consumerism / Consumers / Customer Service / Eric Dane / ESPN / Green Bay Packers / Grey's Anatomy / Kari Ann Peniche / Minnesota Vikings / Moron / Moron of the Week / Moron of the Week Award / Morons / NFL / Rebecca Gayheart / Stupid People / TMZ /