Here at The Constant Complainer, in addition to my own posts, I offer readers the opportunity to submit Guest Posts on topics they would like to complain about. Laura submitted the below-Guest Post. I love retail complaints!!! As a side-note, normally I have the author remove the company’s name, but in this case I had…
There are several malls near our house. My wife says that’s a good thing. I’m kind of impartial about it. But what I will tell you is this – I like going to the newly designed shopping centers that have all the mall stores, but are outdoors. Obviously they are more fun in the summer…
Welcome to the award winning blog of The Constant Complainer. I can’t tell you how many e-mails I received after publishing “Clean it Up” last month. That post addressed a horrible experience (involving cleanliness) I had at a Wendy’s. A number of readers e-mailed me to share similar experiences at restaurants – many of which…