Today I’m featuring two very different cell phone pictures. But both are equally frustrating to me. I’m not specifically picking on Wal-Mart in this post, but they’re just the example I’m using. Why do some retail stores have 25 check-out aisles, but none of them are ever open? This is the case at my local…
I took the below-picture in a local Applebee’s parking lot. Admittedly, I was intrigued by the duct tape and half-missing front end. The funny thing is that I know this vehicle is a safety hazard, but I can’t argue that, because this car is completely legal in the State of Ohio (where I live), where there…
Yes, it’s the return of “Cell Phone Shots.” It has been MIA for way too long. First, we have “Burger King Guy.” Check out his belt. That’s awesome! LOL. And it’s probably not within the employee dress code policy either. And yes, before you ask, I literally stood there and just took the picture while…
Mrs. Constant Complainer is currently traveling for work in China. This is her first trip abroad. She was excited, but at the same time worried about the time difference (13 hours ahead) and food (or lack there of) options. Before she left, I told her that I would be curious to hear about the culture…
I’m happy to report that “Cell Phone Shots” is back after a short vacation. This has been one of the more popular segments of The Constant Complainer. But to be honest with you, I just hadn’t taken any good pictures recently. For those new to this segment, here’s how it works. I take strange and…