I’ve been known to make fun of a few celebrities on here over the years. Hey, what can I say? They’re easy targets and it’s fun. I mean, yes, they have money and no, they have no chance at a private life. But other than that, they’re no different than you or me, right? However,…
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36-Hour Bender / Celebrities / Charlie Sheen / Drug and Alcohol Addiction / Google / Hollywood / Jesse James / John Cryer / Las Vegas / Michelle "Bombshell" McGee / Moron of the Week Award / Porn Stars / TMZ / TV / Two and a Half Men /
Hello everyone! I’m sorry for the delay between posts. This is the busiest time of the year for my day job and I have very little free time. So I’m sorry if it seemed like I disappeared for a while. I’m back and what better way to get started than by naming actor Wesley Snipes…
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Blade / Bradford / Celebrities / Failing to File a Tax Return / FCI McKean / Federal Correctional Institution / Hollywood / Law and Order / Lindsay Lohan / Major League / Moron of the Week Award / PA / Prison / Richard Hatch / The Smoking Gun / TMZ / Wesley Snipes / Wesley Snipes Prison Mailing Address /
I was watching the Olympics on Saturday and a commercial aired featuring actor, Jamie Foxx. In case you missed it, he introduced the multi-station simulcast for the new “We Are the World” video. You can watch it here. This “We Are the World” song/video is a remake of the one originally created for the “U.S.A….
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1985 / ABC News / Albany / America's 10 Poorest Cities / Annual Incomes / Celebrities / GA / Haiti / Jamie Foxx / Jeff Bridges / Macon / MN / NC / New We Are the World Song and Video / Olympics / Pine Bluff / Poverty / Public Interest Stories / Rocky Mountain / U.S. Cities / U.S.A. for Africa / Vince Vaughn / We Are the World / World News /
First off, I’d like to congratulate Reforming Geek for winning last week’s contest. I drew her name out of the hat and she has won an American Express gift card. Thanks to everyone who commented on that post to enter the contest. Now let me set something up for you… Would you see a movie…
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American Express Gift Card / Arnold Schwarzenegger / Brittany Murphy / Bruce Willis / Celebrities / Contests / Danny Trejo / Denis Leary / Dolph Lundgren / Eric Roberts / Hollywood / IMDB / Jason Statham / Jean-Claude Van Damme / Jet Li / Jumped the Shark / Jumping the Shark / Kevin Pollak / Kurt Russell / Movies / Randy The Natural Couture / Reforming Geek / Sandra Bullock / Steven Seagal / Stone Cold Steve Austin / Sylvester Stallone / The Expendables / Wesley Snipes /
It’s always troubling when a life ends too soon and seemingly unnecessarily. Chris Henry, who played for the Cincinnati Bengals, died this morning after falling out of the back of a moving pickup truck yesterday. According to TMZ’s story, Henry got “into the back of the truck, in an attempt to stop his fiancée from…
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911 Calls / Celebrities / Celebrity Deaths 2009 / Chris Henry / Cincinnati Bengals / Domestic Situations / End Game / ESPN / Loleini Tonga / Marriage / NFL / North Carolina / Professional Athletes / Professional Football Players / Relationships / Sports / TMZ / Wedding Rings / Weddings /
I’d like to thank Deb from “Debbie Does Drivel” for mentioning this hilarious Santa web site. In her “Ho, Ho, Whoa!” post, Deb links to “Sketchy Santas.” If you haven’t yet seen this site, you definitely need to check it out. “Sketchy Santas” encourages readers to submit their funny family pictures with Santa. And oh my,…
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Blogging / Celebrities / Debbie Does Drivel / Escalade / Ho Ho Ho / Marital Affairs / Marital Troubles / Nasty Santas / Santa / Santa Pictures / Sex Tapes / Sketchy Santas / Sports Sponsors / Tiger Woods / Where is Tiger Woods /
I love TMZ. I really do. They are great at breaking news stories and obtaining the hard-to-get files. But I’d like the record to reflect that I actually beat them to the punch on the Tiger Woods’ story. As you know, Tiger, the world’s most famous golfer, was taken to the hospital around 2:30 a.m….
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911 / 911 Calls / Automobile Accidents / Cadillac Escalade / Car Accidents / Celebrities / Celebrity Accidents / CNN / Elin Nordegren / ESPN / Golf / JFK / National Enquirer / PGA Golfers / PGA Tour / Polygraph Test / Rachel Uchitel / The National Enquirer / Tiger / Tiger Woods / Tiger Woods Automobile Accident / Tiger Woods Statement / TMZ / Wayne Knight /
Wow, the comments on the last post got a little heated. Timmy, you certainly know how to rile people up – that’s for sure. But in the same breath, at least you speak your mind. So I thought I’d lighten things up today with another edition of “The CC Says.” This is a segment where…
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Hand down – Ryan O’Neal is this week’s “Moron of the Week Award” winner. Words can not express what I was thinking when I heard this story on the radio earlier. I couldn’t wait to get home and verify it. Ryan O’Neal, Farrah Fawcett’s longtime lover, hit on his own daughter at Farrah’s funeral, because…
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Celebrities / Hollywood / Moron / Moron of the Week / Moron of the Week Award / Morons / Ryan O'Neal / Stupid People / Tatum O'Neal /