The details for this post have been building up for quite some time. I had hoped to publish it in a few months, however the story is too entertaining not to mention now. Unfortunately, Mrs. Constant Complainer was recently involved in a car accident. She is OK, but was pretty banged up at the time. …
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I love TMZ. I really do. They are great at breaking news stories and obtaining the hard-to-get files. But I’d like the record to reflect that I actually beat them to the punch on the Tiger Woods’ story. As you know, Tiger, the world’s most famous golfer, was taken to the hospital around 2:30 a.m….
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911 / 911 Calls / Automobile Accidents / Cadillac Escalade / Car Accidents / Celebrities / Celebrity Accidents / CNN / Elin Nordegren / ESPN / Golf / JFK / National Enquirer / PGA Golfers / PGA Tour / Polygraph Test / Rachel Uchitel / The National Enquirer / Tiger / Tiger Woods / Tiger Woods Automobile Accident / Tiger Woods Statement / TMZ / Wayne Knight /