Hello loyal readers of The Constant Complainer. Yes, I’m still alive, although it’s been a few months since I last posted. Please accept my apologies for being away. I’m rested, ready to get back on track and hope to be around again on a more regular basis. What, do you ask, was so monumental that…
I can remember my neighbors going Black Friday shopping when I was kid. They’d get up around 7 a.m. and head out to K-Mart to see what the deals were. At the time, I can remember thinking they were nuts to get up that early. But given today’s standards, it seems like we were tame…
I thought it would be fun to lighten things up a little bit today with a holiday post. But of course we’ll still be complaining… I just have one question for you today. Is there anything you don’t like about the Christmas holiday season? For instance, even though this is my favorite time of the…
Here at The Constant Complainer, in addition to my own posts, readers can submit Guest Posts on topics they’d like to complain about. Leo Nevoli submitted the below-Guest Post. His complaint is how the Christmas holiday season seems to start earlier every year. I thought this was a great post idea. So without further adieu,…
In the past, whenever we’ve discussed Wal-Mart on this blog, it’s always been entertaining. Some people like Wal-Mart and some people don’t. But one thing always remains true – the opinions on both sides are strong. This post actually involves my wife. Yes, that’s right; Mrs. Constant Complainer! Keep in mind, she’s not a blogger…
Providing monthly recap posts is a growing trend among bloggers. It’s an easy way to summarize your blog’s statistics, thank a few people and address anything else having to do with the last month. So I decided to jump on the bandwagon and will add this feature moving forward. So if this interests you, great! And…
Welcome to The Constant Complainer – voted “Best Local Blog” in a “Best of Cleveland 2008” readers’ poll. Here at The Constant Complainer, in addition to my posts, readers can submit Guest Posts on topics they would like to complain about. Neo Con Don submitted the below-Guest Post. His complaint is that he believes people…