I know it’s rare for me to publish more than one post in an evening, but it does happen on occasion. So don’t forget to read one post down and vote on this week’s “Moron of the Week Award” nominations. Anyway, I was talking to a friend of mine the other day and she inspired…
All Posts / Family/Lifestyle / Relationships Bars / Binge Drinking / Children / College Relationships / Cougar Life / Dating / Divorced Women / Divorcees / Drunken Behavior / Marriage / Online Dating / Parental Responsibilities / Parenting / Party Animals / Relationships / Sexcapades /
The most popular post (as far as views) I’ve ever written was “Are You Married or What?” It was originally published on September 22, 2008. It was a post that to this day, I am very proud of. It was written about an interesting topic – spousal behaviors. It is also a post that came…
All Posts / Business / Entertainment / Family/Lifestyle / General Moaning Bars / Business Trips / Dancing / Dating / Dirty Dancing / Hall Pass / Hotel Stays / Inappropriate Behavior / Marital Happiness / Marital Problems / Marriage / Meeting Someone in a Bar / Social Behavior / Spousal Behaviors / Spouses / Work Conferences /