Today I’m featuring two very different cell phone pictures. But both are equally frustrating to me. I’m not specifically picking on Wal-Mart in this post, but they’re just the example I’m using. Why do some retail stores have 25 check-out aisles, but none of them are ever open? This is the case at my local…
All Posts / Business / Cell Shots / General Moaning / Retail
Bad Drivers / Cell Phone Pictures / Cell Phone Shots / FedEx / Fleet Driving Policies / Giant Eagle / Retail / Target / Vanilla Ice / Volkswagen / Wal-Mart / Walmart /
The “Moron of the Week Award” is back after a short vacation. And wow, do I have a great one for you today! Congratulations to Jackie Knott, of Alabama, for being this week’s award-winner. And thanks to Leo Nevoli for bringing this story to my attention. According to an article by The Smoking Gun, Knott…
All Posts / Family/Lifestyle / General Moaning / Law and Order / Moron of the Week Award / Parenting
Alabama / Albertville Police Department / Arrest Records / Bad Drivers / Bad Parenting / Columbus Day / Highway Driving / Jackie Denise Knott / Jackie Knott / Mug Shots / Parenting / Strange News Stories / Strange People / The Huffington Post / The Smoking Gun /