Hello loyal readers of The Constant Complainer. Yes, I’m still alive, although it’s been a few months since I last posted. Please accept my apologies for being away. I’m rested, ready to get back on track and hope to be around again on a more regular basis. What, do you ask, was so monumental that…
I can remember my neighbors going Black Friday shopping when I was kid. They’d get up around 7 a.m. and head out to K-Mart to see what the deals were. At the time, I can remember thinking they were nuts to get up that early. But given today’s standards, it seems like we were tame…
As kids, we’ve all been in this situation…you’re walking with your parents and a homeless person comes up and solicits you for money. Being young, you naturally feel bad and want to give them something, such as food or money. Then your parents tell you that the bum only wants the money for alcohol. And…
Cathy Cruz Marrero is in the process of learning a very valuable lesson. And that lesson is…when to keep your mouth shut. Marrero, who is now known as “Fountain Lady,” became an Internet sensation this week when a mall surveillance camera caught her falling into a fountain while she was trying to walk and text. …
As most of you know, Mrs. Constant Complainer is not a blogger. She doesn’t read this blog and thinks that it’s a waste of my time. But nonetheless, even she is not immune to getting riled up and uttering my trademarked “I feel a blog coming on” line. Here’s a great example. We were shopping…
It’s always interesting when you shop at Wal-Mart. Meaning – you never know who or what you’re going to see. So as a tribute to the famous “People of Walmart” web site, I decided to take a few pictures during my visit yesterday. Odd Couple – The woman is on the left and the man…
As a parent, it breaks my heart to hear about stories where children’s lives have been lost or irreparably changed by accidents. That’s a parent’s worst nightmare! I’ve seen stories where I felt a parent or someone else was to blame. I’ve seen stories where it truly was an accident. And I’ve seen stories where…
I don’t like to cut and paste stories too often, but in this case, my complaint was already built in. This story appeared in print through McClatchy Newspapers in an article by Carrie Rengers. I later found an expanded version of the story on Rengers’ blog. “Heather Ravenstein tried to save Wal-Mart some money Friday by…
Today I’m featuring two very different cell phone pictures. But both are equally frustrating to me. I’m not specifically picking on Wal-Mart in this post, but they’re just the example I’m using. Why do some retail stores have 25 check-out aisles, but none of them are ever open? This is the case at my local…
I went to Wal-Mart on Friday night at approximately 10:15 p.m. My wife had forgotten that she needed a flash drive for Saturday morning… Based on my visit, I’ve decided to plead with all of humanity to implement the following new rules. Don’t shop at Wal-Mart. If you must shop at Wal-Mart, do not do…