It’s been a tough few weeks. I was out of commission following shoulder surgery. And while I had plenty of time to think about possible topics for on here, I was unable to move my arm or type. Now trust me; not being able to use your arm for a few weeks is no picnic. …
All Posts / Celebrities / Entertainment / Family/Lifestyle / Law and Order / Medicine / Moron of the Week Award / Movies / Parenting / Relationships / Religion / Safety / Schools / Sports / Television / WTF Files
3D Movies / Ashton Kutcher / CNN Entertainment / Compton / Emerson Elementary School / Erik Johnson / Jennifer Stewart / Jerry Sandusky / Joe Paterno / Justin Bieber / Mariah Yeater / Maury Povich / Moron of the Week Award / Paternity Tests / Penn State University / PSU / Read Across America / Sasha Grey / TMZ / Twitter /
If you’ve been a reader of this blog, even for a short period of time, you know that I usually don’t publish posts about religion or politics. That’s just not my thing. When I’ve done it in the past, I’ve always worried about how many people it was chasing away verses attracting. So…normally I don’t do it. Thus,…
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Bacterial Pneumonia / Catherine Schaible / Children's Safety / Common Pleas Court Judge Carolyn Engle Temin / Faith Based Healing / First Century Gospel Church / Health Care / Herbert Schaible / Involuntary Manslaughter / Juniata Park / Kent Schaible / Manslaughter / Philly.com / The Philadelphia Inquirer /
Take a look at this list: Interpol, British Foreign Secretary William Hague, U.S. Senator John McCain, The U.S. Embassy in London, Iraqi Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki, France’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Pakistani President Asif Ali Zardari, Indonesian President Susilo Bambanf Yudhoyono, The Vatican, The President of the United Nations General Assembly, The Council on American-Islamic…
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CNN / First Amendment Rights / Florida / Gainesville / Muslims / Politics / Quran / Religion / Reverend Terry Jones / September 11th Attacks /
I normally enjoy my anonymity on here. I have never once posted a picture of myself, said my full name or even where I work. And usually my complaints have nothing to do with my personal life, but more so are random things I encounter and think you’ll enjoy. But for once, today’s post is…
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Doctors / Google / Health Care Insurance / Life / Medical Diagnoses / Medical Records / Medicine / Physicians / Specialists /
I probably could have come up with an individual post for each of these news stories. But it’s been a long week, so I decided to combine them and have some fun. Feel free to comment on one or both. Story #1 – Little Tikes is dialing up a lousy toy – submitted by Angella. …
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Bill Murray / Cell Phone and Texting Legislation / Jarretta Hamilton / Jon Ennis / Little Tikes / Premarital Sex / Princess Cozy Coupe / Ron Boyd / Southland Christian School / Today Show / UPS / Using a Cell Phone While Driving / Wild Things /
Here at The Constant Complainer, in addition to my own posts, readers can submit Guest Posts on topics they’d like to complain about. Leo Nevoli is back with another Guest Post today. His post discusses a relative of his affected by the September 11th attacks. So without further adieu, here’s Leo… At least once a…
All Posts / Family/Lifestyle / General Moaning / Group Sharing / Guest Posts / Law and Order / Politics / Religion
2001 / Freedom of Religion / North and South Towers / September 11th / Terrorist Attacks / Twin Towers / World Trade Center /
Over the last year, the “cell phone shots” segment of this blog has really taken off and become a crowd pleaser. If you’re new to it, here’s how it works… Typically it involves cell phone pictures that I’ve taken. We post them and discuss the complaint involved with them. Or sometimes we just post them…
All Posts / Business / Cell Shots / Entertainment / Family/Lifestyle / Group Sharing / Parenting / Religion / Safety / Sports
Appropriate Dress / Cell Phone Pictures / Centerville / Game Cleaning / Hope Studios / Hotels / Iowa / Little League Baseball / Ohio / Parenting / Religion / Religious Messages / Vehicle Inspections / Vehicle Safety /
Well, the man who made the term “sugar tits” famous is back in the news again. Mel Gibson has been caught on tape yelling and swearing at his girlfriend, Oksana Grigorieva. He apparently called her a “whore” and a “c**t.” And he also told her, “You look like a f*cking pig in heat and if…
All Posts / Celebrities / Entertainment / Family/Lifestyle / Law and Order / Movies / Relationships / Religion
Anti-Defamation League / Edge of Darkness / Gloria Allred / Mel Gibson / NAACP / Netflix / Oksana Grigorieva / Racist Behavior / Reverend Al Sharpton / Reverend Jesse Jackson / The Smoking Gun / TMZ /
Yesterday at lunch, I overheard an interesting conversation. Two ladies were talking about a local news story (a 22-year-old mother whose 3-year-old son died while attempting to climb a bookcase in their house). This was part of their conversation: Lady One: “She is a baby killer.” Lady Two: “I know. All baby killers need to…
All Posts / Family/Lifestyle / Law and Order / Parenting / Politics / Religion
Baby Killers / Capital Punishment / Iraq / Military / Parenting / Pedophiles / Rapists / Registered Sex Offenders / Stereotyping / War /
When I was a kid, I remember Jehovah’s Witnesses coming to my house and my parents politely asking them to leave. Sometimes my mom would even act interested, take the material and then later throw it away – again, in a polite manner. Then as I got older, I remember my parents more sternly ordering the solicitors…
All Posts / Cell Shots / Family/Lifestyle / Religion
Churches / Door to Door Sales / Jehovah's Witnesses / Pushing Religion / Pushing Religious Beliefs / Religion / Solicitation at Home / Solicitors /