No complaints today. No crazy celebrity news stories. No off-the-wall antics. I’m just sharing an amazing and beautiful story that truly brought me to tears. Now…although I blog from behind the made-up character of The Constant Complainer, I’m actually a very nice and caring guy. And over the years, I’ve always taken pride in trying…
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Address / Avery Lynn Canahuati / Avery's Bucket List / Bellaire / Blogging / Daily Adventures / Houston / Incurable Genetic Disease / Michael and Laura Canahuati / MSN / SMA / Spinal Muscular Atrophy / TX /
Most of you should know Alicia Silverstone. She is the pretty actress who became famous after starring in “The Crush,” “Clueless” and the Aerosmith video, “Cryin.” Well, the 35-year-old actress made headlines for another reason this week. She posted a video blog which showed her feeding her 10-month-old-son, Bear Blu Jarecki. In the video, Silverstone…
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Aerosmith / Alicia Silverstone Blog / Babies / Bear Blu Jarecki / Children / Clueless / Cryin / Feeding Habits / Food / IMDB / The Crush / The Kind Life / WTF Files / YouTube /
Take a look at these two pictures. Now…if I were driving down the street and saw a kid standing there with that sign, I would probably ask myself, “Good parents or a good judge?” Pictures courtesy of Chronicle.NorthCoastNow.com Meet 12-year-old Trezahn Blaha of Elyria, OH. Blaha recently admitted to stealing a telephone, bracelet and mouthpiece from…
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Disciplining Children / Elyria / Embarrassment / Jail / OH / Parenting / Parents / Public Humiliation / Ricardo Pamplin / Theft / Trezahn Blaha / Unorthodox Techniques /
With some of the crazy stories in the news this week, I thought it was a good time for the “Moron of the Week Award” to make its return. Enjoy the below-stories and comment on who you think should win. Nominee #1 – Teacher’s Pet – I was originally going to write an entire post about…
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Anti-Discrimination Laws / CA / Condom / Dr. Seuss / Easton / Fair Housing Act Amendments / Google / High School Musical / IMDB / Inappropriate Sexual Behavior / James Hooker / Jordan Powers / Lindsay Blankmeyer / Massachusetts / Modesto / Moron of the Week Award / Red Carpet / Rehabilitation Act / Stonehill College / Teacher Dating Student / The Lorax / Twitter / Zac Efron /
Does any family time qualify as quality family time? Some people may say yes. That’s what my buddies and I were discussing last weekend during a trip to Wheeling Island (casino and racetrack in West Virginia). We went there to watch the dog races. Now, under normal circumstances, children are not allowed in casinos, so we…
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Casino / Date Night / Dog Racing / Gambling / Parenting / Quality Family Time / Racetrack / Smoking / West Virginia / Wheeling Island /
It’s been a tough few weeks. I was out of commission following shoulder surgery. And while I had plenty of time to think about possible topics for on here, I was unable to move my arm or type. Now trust me; not being able to use your arm for a few weeks is no picnic. …
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3D Movies / Ashton Kutcher / CNN Entertainment / Compton / Emerson Elementary School / Erik Johnson / Jennifer Stewart / Jerry Sandusky / Joe Paterno / Justin Bieber / Mariah Yeater / Maury Povich / Moron of the Week Award / Paternity Tests / Penn State University / PSU / Read Across America / Sasha Grey / TMZ / Twitter /
This was a rather interesting story that made headlines this week. And it really got me thinking about marriage, divorce, relationships, blogging and what’s off limits, if anything. Meet Anthony Morelli, from Bucks County, Pennsylvania. He used to be married to Allison Morelli. The two had a bitter divorce and child custody battle in 2007…
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Allison Morelli / Anthony Morelli / Attorney Kevin J. Handy / Blogging / Bucks County / Divorce / Family Court Judge Diane Gibbons / Freedom of Speech / Marriage / Pennsylvania / The Psycho Ex Wife /
I have long considered starting a segment on here called the “WTF Files.” And after Tuesday’s Casey Anthony not-guilty verdict, I guess now is as good a time as any. As a parent, it’s hard not to have strong feelings about what happened to little Caylee Anthony. Prosecutors say that Caylee was murdered by her…
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Attorney / Casey Anthony / Caylee Marie Anthony / Chief Judge Belvin Perry Jr. / CNN / FL / Frank George / George and Cindy Anthony / J. Cheney Mason / Jeff Ashton / Jose Baez / Karen Levey / Lawson Lamar / Linda Drane Burdick / Murder Trial / Nancy Grace / Orange County / Orlando / Pinellas County / Roy Kronk / Russell Huekler /
First off, let me take a minute to apologize to my loyal readers for being MIA for the past few weeks. My family was in the process of moving and I was up to my ears with boxes. And things with my day job have been very busy as well. Blogging is a just a…
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Cheerleaders / Cheerleading / Convicted Rapists / High School Basketball / Law and Order / Rape / Richard Bain / School Superintendent / Silsbee High School / Texas / Texas Courts / The U.S Supreme Court /
If you’ve been a reader of this blog, even for a short period of time, you know that I usually don’t publish posts about religion or politics. That’s just not my thing. When I’ve done it in the past, I’ve always worried about how many people it was chasing away verses attracting. So…normally I don’t do it. Thus,…
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Bacterial Pneumonia / Catherine Schaible / Children's Safety / Common Pleas Court Judge Carolyn Engle Temin / Faith Based Healing / First Century Gospel Church / Health Care / Herbert Schaible / Involuntary Manslaughter / Juniata Park / Kent Schaible / Manslaughter / Philly.com / The Philadelphia Inquirer /