With some of the crazy stories in the news this week, I thought it was a good time for the “Moron of the Week Award” to make its return. Enjoy the below-stories and comment on who you think should win. Nominee #1 – Teacher’s Pet – I was originally going to write an entire post about…
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Anti-Discrimination Laws / CA / Condom / Dr. Seuss / Easton / Fair Housing Act Amendments / Google / High School Musical / IMDB / Inappropriate Sexual Behavior / James Hooker / Jordan Powers / Lindsay Blankmeyer / Massachusetts / Modesto / Moron of the Week Award / Red Carpet / Rehabilitation Act / Stonehill College / Teacher Dating Student / The Lorax / Twitter / Zac Efron /
It’s been a tough few weeks. I was out of commission following shoulder surgery. And while I had plenty of time to think about possible topics for on here, I was unable to move my arm or type. Now trust me; not being able to use your arm for a few weeks is no picnic. …
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3D Movies / Ashton Kutcher / CNN Entertainment / Compton / Emerson Elementary School / Erik Johnson / Jennifer Stewart / Jerry Sandusky / Joe Paterno / Justin Bieber / Mariah Yeater / Maury Povich / Moron of the Week Award / Paternity Tests / Penn State University / PSU / Read Across America / Sasha Grey / TMZ / Twitter /
I’m back and apologize to all of you for my brief absence. And what better way to make my return than with a “Moron of the Week Award.” Well…apparently if you’re looking for a good time, you need to travel no farther than Bakersfield, CA. According to an MSNBC article, “The Federal Aviation Administration says…
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Alex Torres / Bakersfield / CA / FAA / Hope Howell / Howard Stern / Kern County / Moron of the Week Award / MSN / MSNBC / Porn Star / Sex in an Airplane / Skydive Taft / Skydiving Instructor / The Federal Aviation Administration / Voodoo /
I think “The Green Mile” is one of the best movies I’ve ever seen. And even though it’s almost 12 years old, it’s one of those movies that I can just sit down and watch at any time. One of my favorite characters was that of evil prison guard Percy Wetmore, played by Doug Hutchison….
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24 / Courtney Stodden / Doug Hutchison / IMDB / Internet Dating / Lost / Marrying an Underage Minor / MSN / Online Acting Workshop / Percy Wetmore / The Green Mile / The Washington Post / TMZ / US Magazine / WonderWall /
So…are you a fan of movie sequels or not? My two brothers-in-law and I always have this discussion. I’m the first one to admit that I’m a sucker for a good movie trailer and sequel. But even I’ll agree that Hollywood sometimes goes overboard when they decide to “green-light” sequels. It’s a little known fact…
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2011 / Box Office Mojo / Brandon Gray / Brian Grazer / Harrison Ford / Hollywood / John Favreau / Movie Sequels / Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides / Ron Howard / Sam Rockwell / Scream 4 / Steven Spielberg / The Hangover Part II / USA Today /
I’ve been known to make fun of a few celebrities on here over the years. Hey, what can I say? They’re easy targets and it’s fun. I mean, yes, they have money and no, they have no chance at a private life. But other than that, they’re no different than you or me, right? However,…
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36-Hour Bender / Celebrities / Charlie Sheen / Drug and Alcohol Addiction / Google / Hollywood / Jesse James / John Cryer / Las Vegas / Michelle "Bombshell" McGee / Moron of the Week Award / Porn Stars / TMZ / TV / Two and a Half Men /
Hello everyone! I’m sorry for the delay between posts. This is the busiest time of the year for my day job and I have very little free time. So I’m sorry if it seemed like I disappeared for a while. I’m back and what better way to get started than by naming actor Wesley Snipes…
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Blade / Bradford / Celebrities / Failing to File a Tax Return / FCI McKean / Federal Correctional Institution / Hollywood / Law and Order / Lindsay Lohan / Major League / Moron of the Week Award / PA / Prison / Richard Hatch / The Smoking Gun / TMZ / Wesley Snipes / Wesley Snipes Prison Mailing Address /
My wife and I took our daughter to see “Ramona and Beezus” on Saturday night. Before the movie started, we were sitting there talking about how many 3-D movies are coming out these days. It seems like every trailer we’ve recently seen has been for a 3-D movie. Now, of course we have seen some…
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3-D Movies / Behavior at the Movies / Cell Phones / Cell Phones in Public Places / Cell Phones in the Movies / High School Girls / Ramona and Beezus / Safety and Security / Talking During a Movie / Texting During a Movie /
Jen, from Hope Studios, has a post every Friday that she calls “Feedback Friday.” I’ve decided to borrow that idea for this Friday. So here’s the deal. I was able to find all of the Mel Gibson recordings online tonight. I’m referring to the extremely graphic, vulgar and profanity-laced telephone conversations he had with Oksana…
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Domestic Issues / Hollywood / Marriage / Mel Gibson / Oksana Grigorieva / Recorded Conversations / Relationships / Telephone Recordings / Threats / Voice Recordings /
Well, the man who made the term “sugar tits” famous is back in the news again. Mel Gibson has been caught on tape yelling and swearing at his girlfriend, Oksana Grigorieva. He apparently called her a “whore” and a “c**t.” And he also told her, “You look like a f*cking pig in heat and if…
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Anti-Defamation League / Edge of Darkness / Gloria Allred / Mel Gibson / NAACP / Netflix / Oksana Grigorieva / Racist Behavior / Reverend Al Sharpton / Reverend Jesse Jackson / The Smoking Gun / TMZ /