OK, I know I’ve been gone for a while and I appreciate the e-mails, calls and tweets that came in encouraging me to come back. Don’t worry, I’m still around; have just been working on a few other projects in the meantime. However, know this…I still get the urge to show up on here and…
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Billy Wyatt / Crush / Florida Sunshine Realty Services / Jeff Yoder / Maranda Wyatt / Moron of the Week Award / Online Dating / Relationships / Say Yes to the Dress / Twitter / Weddings /
It’s been a tough few weeks. I was out of commission following shoulder surgery. And while I had plenty of time to think about possible topics for on here, I was unable to move my arm or type. Now trust me; not being able to use your arm for a few weeks is no picnic. …
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3D Movies / Ashton Kutcher / CNN Entertainment / Compton / Emerson Elementary School / Erik Johnson / Jennifer Stewart / Jerry Sandusky / Joe Paterno / Justin Bieber / Mariah Yeater / Maury Povich / Moron of the Week Award / Paternity Tests / Penn State University / PSU / Read Across America / Sasha Grey / TMZ / Twitter /
I’m back and apologize to all of you for my brief absence. And what better way to make my return than with a “Moron of the Week Award.” Well…apparently if you’re looking for a good time, you need to travel no farther than Bakersfield, CA. According to an MSNBC article, “The Federal Aviation Administration says…
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Alex Torres / Bakersfield / CA / FAA / Hope Howell / Howard Stern / Kern County / Moron of the Week Award / MSN / MSNBC / Porn Star / Sex in an Airplane / Skydive Taft / Skydiving Instructor / The Federal Aviation Administration / Voodoo /
Happy Friday! I’ve awoken from my non-blog slumber to return with a new edition of the “Moron of the Week.” I’m still trying to get back in the swing of things following my move and promise new posts and visits to all of your blogs soon. In the meantime, enjoy today’s post and cast your…
All Posts / Celebrities / Entertainment / Family/Lifestyle / Law and Order / Moron of the Week Award / Politics / Relationships
Arnold Schwarzenegger / CA / Facebook / Gossip Rocks / Governor / Infidelity / Los Angeles Times / Maria Shriver / Moron of the Week Award / Netherlands / NY Congressman Anthony Weiner / Pretty Social / Social Media / Social Tattoo / Suzy / Tattoo Dex / Tattoos / The Terminator / Tweets / Twitter /
I swear that frivolous lawsuits never get old! They provide some of the most entertaining blog material that I’ve ever seen. And as long as we’re giving out our “Moron of the Week Award” here, I’ll continue to publish these stories for your amusement. Meet Hubert Blackman of New York City. He is suing a…
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Arrest / Better Business Bureau / Business Insider / Dancers / Federal Court / Frivolous Lawsuits / Hillsboro Enterprises / Hookers / Hubert Blackman / Las Vegas Entertainment / Las Vegas Exclusive Personals / Las Vegas Metro Police / Las Vegas Sun / Moron of the Week Award / New York City / Stratosphere / Strippers /
Happy New Year! I truly apologize for only accomplishing a few posts throughout the holidays. In addition to time-consuming family obligations, that is also the busiest time of the year for my day job. So needless to say, I didn’t have much free time. Thus, I’m behind on posting on here, I’m behind on reading…
All Posts / Family/Lifestyle / Moron of the Week Award / Politics / Safety
Leighton Edmondso / Moron of the Week Award / New York City / New York Sanitation Department / NY Daily News / Snow Storms / Suicide / The New York Times / Vangelis (Angelo) Kapatos /
Hello everyone! I’m sorry for the delay between posts. This is the busiest time of the year for my day job and I have very little free time. So I’m sorry if it seemed like I disappeared for a while. I’m back and what better way to get started than by naming actor Wesley Snipes…
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Blade / Bradford / Celebrities / Failing to File a Tax Return / FCI McKean / Federal Correctional Institution / Hollywood / Law and Order / Lindsay Lohan / Major League / Moron of the Week Award / PA / Prison / Richard Hatch / The Smoking Gun / TMZ / Wesley Snipes / Wesley Snipes Prison Mailing Address /
After searching the bowels of the Internet, one of our readers, Sugar, was able to find two strong competitors for this week’s “Moron of the Week Award.” Enjoy and, as always, let us know who the bigger moron is. Fishing License Guy – If you’d like, Peter Wann, of Alexandria, NC, is available to be…
All Posts / Entertainment / Law and Order / Moron of the Week Award / Sports
Alexandria / Big Rock Blue Marlin Tournament / Drunk Driving / Fishing Licenses / Fishing Tournaments / Leah Osborne / Moron of the Week Award / MSNBC / NC / Oklahoma / Pet Raccoons / Peter Wann / Sport Fishing / The Smoking Gun /
After a short absence, the “Moron of the Week Award” is back. So as usual, read the summaries, look at the news links and decide who the bigger idiot is. Nominee #1 – Shaun Rogers. The Cleveland Browns’ nose tackle who was arrested last week for having a loaded gun in his carry-on baggage at…
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AR / Arkadelphia / Cleveland Browns / Denise New / Detroit / Dumb Laws and Legislation / Facebook Posts / Hopkins International Airport / Jack Buckner / Moron of the Week Award / Shaun Rogers / Slander and Harassment / Stupid People / Texas Law / TX /
I’d like to nominate several people for our “Moron of the Week Award.” Gilbert Arenas was recently suspended by the Washington Wizards for allegedly storing guns in his locker at the Verizon Center. He also allegedly pulled a gun during a standoff with teammate Javaris Crittenton. Multiple sources suggest that the issue at hand was…
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911 Calls / Associated Press / Automobile Accidents / DWI / EMT / Gambling Debts / Gilbert Arenas / Gun Control / Jason Green / Javaris Crittenton / Jayson Williams / Melissa Jackson / Moron of the Week Award / New Jersey Nets / New York / TMZ / Verizon Center / Washington Wizards / Weapons Charges /