Moron of the Week
March 8, 2012 by admncc
With some of the crazy stories in the news this week, I thought it was a good time for the “Moron of the Week Award” to make its return. Enjoy the below-stories and comment on who you think should win.
Nominee #1 – Teacher’s Pet – I was originally going to write an entire post about this story, but ultimately felt that it was a better fit here. Meet James Hooker, age 41. He was, until last week, a high school teacher in Modesto, CA. That is, until he moved in with a student who was a senior at the same school. Meet 18-year-old Jordan Powers. Hooker has known Powers since she was a freshman. This week, Hooker quit his job, left his wife and kids, and moved into an apartment with Powers. In the article, he says they are “following their hearts.” Others say a crime has been committed. I just think it’s freaking weird.
James Hooker and Jordan Powers
Courtesy of Google
Nominee #2 – Dorm Room Days – Meet Lindsay Blankmeyer, a former student at Stonehill College in Easton, Massachusetts. She has filed a lawsuit against the school claiming that her roommate’s alleged inappropriate sexual behavior drove her into a deep depression. Blankmeyer is seeking $150,000 in damages and has cited violations of the Rehabilitation Act, the federal Fair Housing Act Amendments, and Massachusetts anti-discrimination laws. According to court documents, Blankmeyer alleged that during her senior year, her roommate engaged in online and actual sex right in front of her. She alleges the roommate “would have sex with her boyfriend while [Lindsay] was trying to sleep just a few feet away,” and would also “engage in sexually inappropriate video chatting” while Blankmeyer was in the room. You can read the rest of the article here and you can actually follow Blankmeyer on Twitter here. Why didn’t her roomate just put a sock over the door knob?
Lindsay Blankmeyer
Courtesy of Twitter
Nominee #3 – Red Carpet Mistake – Everyone knows who Zac Efron is. He’s the guy who starred in the “High School Musical” movies and dated Vanessa Hudgens for a few years. He just completed the Dr. Seuss movie “The Lorax.” Well…while walking on the red carpet to promote “The Lorax” – a children’s movie, Efron accidentally had a condom fall out of his pocket in front of reporters. The blushing star tried to maintain his composure and has since commented on his belief in safe sex. I’m still trying to figure out who he was going to meet and bang on the red carpet. You can watch the video of the dropping-incident here and read the rest of the story here. Zac, buddy, please note that a condom in your pocket and walking on the red carpet = disaster.
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So hard to choose. They are all a bunch of dumb asses.
But I choose no. 1.
Okay, I think Zac is off the hook because safe sex is essential today. I read that there was a new security procedure in place that night and that everyone had to empty their pockets and when he pulled something out it fell out. Yikes, embarrassing but not moronic.
Teacher is so irresponsible! I mean, look at the way she is looking at him! it’s like Mary Kay Letourno all over again – pretty soon she’ll be knocked up. I can’t even fathom what this guy was thinking.
Dorm girl is just looking for her 15 minutes and some quick cash. I think that her staying during all this stuff that made her so uncomfortable makes HER a moron!
Over all, the teacher wins as moron of the week for me.
The dorm girl could have spoken up to her roomate. I know people who have had this happen. Of course it’s awkward. But you don’t have to put up with it if you don’t want to.
The teacher situation makes me sick to my stomach. I feel bad for his family. I hope his young lover comes to her senses and dumps his butt.
The teacher and the student are morons. A crime was committed if he was having sex with a minor. Sheesh. I hope she wakes up one of these days. As for him, I hope his wife takes him to the cleaners. It’s very sad for his family, though.
This “girl” is not worth leaving an established wife and kids for. He is balding though. And those glasses from the 70s. Maybe she is the best he could do… what a fraeking ass…………………. I don’t really like toi hear stories like these!
Her nose is f-ed up. The bridge of her nose is way to wide. She isn’t even pretty. I am just totally at loss for words right now! This guy us a predator, and a stupid/blind one at that. I hope his kids grow up to hate him. And hate him they will. She doesn’t even have the “assets” of a real woman. She looks like a beanpole! She is just a “girl” going through puberty. He is just an loser who has lost his mind, his family and his JOB! The mom is right. Arrest this idiot!
Wow, Zig, tell us how you really feel… LOL.
On another note, here’s a great clip from today’s Dr. Phil show. The mother of Jordan Powers (Nominee #1) appeared for the first time to confront James Hooker about dating her daughter. Their confrontation was about what I expected. But what was more bizarre was Hooker’s behavior and answers during the ABC News interview that followed.
P.S. The looks on the anchors’ faces at the end of the segment are priceless!
wow, after watching the video clip for nominee #1 I am appauled! I don’t understand what this young girls childhood must have been like. Her mom acts so upset, yet what attitudes and ethics did she expose her daughter to that spawned this type of behavior in the first place?
Her nose is f-ed up. The bridge of her nose is way to wide. She isn’t even pretty.(Zig)
Door number 1,2 or 3? Fuck that, I pick Zig. 😉
Teacher/Student: In the video did you notice at 1:17 when Tammy’s mom says, “you’re ruining my child with this…” why is Jordan smiling/laughing?
Zac: Unless it was some type of odd publicity stunt, good question: “who he was going to meet?”
Oops, made a typo: “who was he going to meet?”