The Big Bender

February 2, 2011 by admncc

I’ve been known to make fun of a few celebrities on here over the years.  Hey, what can I say?  They’re easy targets and it’s fun.  I mean, yes, they have money and no, they have no chance at a private life.  But other than that, they’re no different than you or me, right?  However, it’s their mistakes that usually get plastered all over the Internet for people to gawk at.  And while I’ve done my share of helping promote the big stories over the years, this is one of the times when I’ll speak out against it.

Over the last few days, I’ve grown tired of the countless stories about Charlie Sheen that are circulating everywhere.  Now, unless you’ve been living under a rock, you’ve probably heard by now that Charlie’s show, “Two and a Half Men” (the top-rated show on television), has gone on a hiatus after Sheen had a massive 36-hour bender and subsequently entered rehab.

Now, while I’m happy to make fun of people on here and sometimes give them our “Moron of the Week Award,” don’t think for a second that it doesn’t trouble me when I see someone whose problems are so publicly broadcast.  Sometimes it’s just plain sad.

Just to prove a point, I just Googled “Charlie Sheen Bender” and 1,180,000 results came up.  Case and point!  But seriously, Sheen has always been a wild child in my book, but this whole recent issue reeks of someone in desperate need of some help.

Let’s see…first we were told that he had a 36-hour bender.  Second we were told that he ordered a briefcase full of cocaine and had it delivered to the party.  Third we were told that Sheen took off his clothes and was dancing naked in front of his guests  Fourth we were told that Sheen was telling everyone at his party that he wanted to start a “porn family.”  Fifth we were told that he wrote a check to a porn star for $30,000 and told her to cash it for herself (see a copy of the check here).  And finally, we were told that even though Sheen was extremely intoxicated and in pain, nobody wanted to call 911 (someone finally called a doctor, who made the 911 call himself).  Now, this all comes on top of an epic three-day bender he had a few weeks ago with several porn stars and Michelle “Bombshell” McGee (Jesse James’ mistress) in Las Vegas.

And it’s to the point now, where even one of Sheen’s television co-stars, John Cryer, has said that he checks TMZ every day to see if he has to go in to work or not.  Now, don’t get me wrong – I love TMZ.  And I love reading about Hollywood and celebrities.  But sometimes I think they (and other Hollywood media outlets) lose their objectivity and just start feeding their gossip-hungry fans.  And we eat it up.  It makes me wonder, in society today, if all we’re interested in are other people’s train wrecks.  Someone told me that a few weeks ago and I’m starting to believe it more and more every day.  In any event, get well Charlie.  Clearly you need help.

All Posts / Celebrities / Entertainment / Family/Lifestyle / Law and Order / Medicine / Movies / Television 36-Hour Bender / Celebrities / Charlie Sheen / Drug and Alcohol Addiction / Google / Hollywood / Jesse James / John Cryer / Las Vegas / Michelle "Bombshell" McGee / Moron of the Week Award / Porn Stars / TMZ / TV / Two and a Half Men /


  1. Extreme John says:

    And so he writes about it. Hahaha, they even got you in the hook. Face it you’re right, Charlie’s been a maniac forever and yes I agree TMZ and just about everyone else hypes this crap up way more than it ever needs to be.

    Another sad reality…. this is a “free country”

    One more…. Charlie Sheens life is, Charlie Sheens life. He only gets one, he should be able to do with it whatever he chooses. Train wreck and all.

    I can’t stop…. I hope Charlie enjoyed every bit of the $30k he spent, the cement mixer full of cocaine and all of the pornstars as much as he possibly could. He took the steps to get himself in a position to make that money and he’s certainly having to deal with the backlish from it.

    Hope you enjoyed Charlie.

  2. Deb says:

    Ugh. TMZ does whatever it has to do to make a buck.

    Sheen does what ever he has to do to feel good.

    Yup, he needs help, but he doesn’t know it. Next we’ll be reading his obit. Very hard to feel sorry for his choices. Easy to feel sorry for those he drags down with him, like his children.

  3. I too enjoy reading up on Hollywood and celebrities.

    I love Charlie Sheen on Two & A Half Men. It’s one of my favorite shows. I really hope he gets the help he clearly needs and finally is able to get his life back on track.

    Charlie released an official statement today thanking his fans:

  4. kittycat says:

    I love Charilie and the 2 1/2 men show. Sure he fucks up, doesnt everyone? Its just most of us dont get our shirt plastered all over the news.

    just sayin

  5. hey!!!

    1. i hate charlie sheen and his stupid show. in fact the theme song makes me cringe

    2. i hate all the sheens

    3. i don’t think he’s funny.

    4. in fact, he’s an ass

    5. the other day, i just happened to post on the FB page for the magazine i work for “sick of hearing about charlie sheen’s rehab fiasco? then why don’t you read PERCEPTION magazine.” hah

  6. Leo Nevoli says:

    Lindsay Lohan said “I am worried about him.” I like to think of that as hitting rock bottom. When Lindsay says she is worried about you, you got problems.

  7. Jane says:

    Leo, that’s hilarious!

    And Sheen is a freak.

  8. Jen says:

    First, I thought Charlie Sheen was dead for a whole day the day that story went out. I was walking through the room and saw his face on the screen and I thought “Crap. Charlie Sheen is dead.” I wasn’t even surprised. Alas, he’s still alive, though I don’t know how!

    Second, Charlie Sheen is NOT one of the people I think the media takes advantage of. That dude encourages it. My God, who the hell LIVES like this???

  9. “And finally, we were told that even though Sheen was extremely intoxicated and in pain, nobody wanted to call 911”

    So sad. People are so obsessed with celebrity and desperate to be around fame, that they can’t even see a celeb as a human who’s suffering and badly needs help.

    I understand who ever was gonna provide the cocaine isn’t gonna protect Sheen, and only his investment, but where were Sheen’s real friends? Sigh.

  10. Charlie Sheen makes me sad.

  11. Marissa says:

    Unlike alot of loser celebs, Charlie Sheen is really talented. I love his show as well as his goofy Hot Shot movies. Remember when Robert Downey Jr was having serious problems? Now look at him.

  12. Angelica says:

    …and this is the guy I fell in love with in Major League.

  13. Toemailer says:

    It’s too bad, he probably started out figuring a few drinks wouldn’t hurt. Charlie’s story is one repeated daily at AA, CA, NA, meetings. Some people do get a handle on it, many, many don’t.

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