Sin City Tales

March 10, 2010 by admncc

I’m sorry for being MIA the last few days.  The bad news is that I was offline.  The good news is that I was in Las Vegas.

You know, I’ve been to Vegas 15+ times and it never gets old.  Although I’m not silly about it, I am one of the few people you’ll meet who actually knows how to gamble.  And usually I win – I say “usually” because in Vegas, there’s always the chance that you’ll get your clock cleaned.  My game of choice – craps – the absolute best odds if you know what you’re doing.

But the real reason I go to Vegas – the people watching.  There’s never a shortage of strange people there, so I’ll definitely have a few posts about my trip.  But I’m going to start off with a few cell phone pictures.

This one I took from the top of the Rio.  They said this was the 50th floor, and although I’m not sure about that, it was still pretty high up.  Not the greatest picture ever taken, but a nice reminder of what Vegas has to offer.


I’m not a huge fan of “Downtown” Las Vegas.  It’s OK and I guess everyone has to visit the Golden Nugget at least once.  But I don’t go out of my way to head down there.  However, we ended up there and I took the below-picture of a Gallagher “wanna-be.”  This guy REALLY looks like the comedian, Gallagher.  But his hammer spelled it as “Galliger.”  LOL.


My wife and I always have a contest in Vegas.  We try to identify the women who are just beautiful vs. the strippers (when saying it, my wife always insists on spelling it out – S T R I P P E R) vs. the prostitutes.  I took this picture in the Paris.  Can you guess which category they fall into?


All Posts / Cell Shots / Entertainment / Family/Lifestyle / Vacations Cell Phone Pictures / Downtown Las Vegas / Gallagher / Gambling / Golden Nugget Hotels and Casinos / Las Vegas / NV / Paris Las Vegas Hotel / People Watching in Las Vegas / Playing Craps / Rio All-Suite Hotel & Casino Las Vegas / The Problems with Las Vegas / Winning at Craps /


  1. C. Princess says:

    Looking forward in reading about your Vegas Vacation.

    That last shot: was it taken inside the casino because if so you’re lucky you didn’t get your camera confiscated.

  2. that is B to the S. i’ve never been to vegas.

    of course, given my general irresponsibility when travelling outside these city walls, it may be better that way.

    p.s. i missed you too!

  3. It sounds like you had fun. I like Vegas but I don’t gamble. I like all the amusement park entertainment options. Yeah, I’m crazy that way.

  4. Looks like fun; I actually like downtown, I’ll take playing craps in Binion’s and eating a 3 am steak and eggs over the stale, corporate atmosphere in some of the newer strip casinos.

  5. JennyMac says:

    We love Vegas..My Hub is going on boys weekend next month. I don’t gamble like he does but I do love the people watching, the restaurants, and cabanas at the pool. lol.

    And don’t post my picture without permission. HA.

    Good to see you again.

  6. Candice says:

    I am SOOOO going to Vegas. Like NOW. I just need a sugar daddy.

  7. MajorLeague09 says:

    My guess is that they are getting ready to “walk” the strip. I love the fact that in Vegas, you can go there to gamble or just to have fun. Either way you’ll sure to have a blast! The first and only time I’ve been to vegas I was pregnant. And even though I couldn’t take part in the “free” drinks at the casino, I had an absolute awesome time!! I love that they have so many different exhibits. I was so lucky that they had the Titanic exhibit there when I was there! My brother-in-law and I went and we had good time. The city literally has something for everyone to enjoy. I’m definitely planning to go back. I hope you had a good time, it looks like you did.

  8. Sandi says:

    haha Mispelling the name of the person you are impersonating??? Seems like a bunch of wasted efort to me. lol

  9. carissajade says:

    I have missed it here! thanks for stopping by today, and I have to say that mustard and milk really does sound like the worst one yet, but I suppose I’ll give it a shot. Just not tonight. 🙂 (I just had italian and i think that might make me DIE. Is soy milk ok?

    Anyways, I’m so jealous of you going to Vegas. I’ve never been before, but even if I did I probably wouldn’t even attempt to gamble, mostly because of my “bad luck” thing I have going on.

  10. Marissa says:

    Hey, we were just in Vegas in January. And my now 15 year-old daughter was conceived there. So it’s NOT true that what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas! Our Vegas souvenir will be with us for at least 3 more years.

  11. Jane says:

    Some of my friends would call the casino ladies pros-ti-tots.

  12. Brad says:

    First time vistor. Found you through Google. Love Vegas too. Those chics look hot!

  13. TallElf says:

    Is it Irony that I am posting this while watching oceans 13? Anywhoot Vegas was a blast CC and I think that I will have to go back sometime. Craps is an interesting game, however I watched this person one time say that a # was their lucky number on the roulette wheel and they didn’t play it so when it came up 3 times they were kicking them self. That is another story. As for the S T R I P P E R game, that is fun. As for the people watching, Vegas was the only place that topped the local fair around here for abstract members of society.

  14. Zig the "People" person says:

    My parents actually lived in Vegas for a few years. When they moved there they were planning on making it their retirement spot. But after 3 years they couldn’t stand the dessert, the people (or the lack of generally good people) or the gambling. Me, I visited once. I spent the weekend there. It sucked. I hate losing money.

  15. NeoConDon says:

    …Zig hate losing money…now he knows how the rest of us feel when he picks up his gov’t “worker” paycheck…

  16. Debbie says:

    15+ times to Vegas? Once was enough for me. Got lost in Caesar’s Palace. Couldn’t find the friggin’ door I walked in. At least when I finally found my way out at 9:30 pm it was like broad daylight with all those lights. I won a bucket of nickles and got a free drink while playing the slots. Did enjoy the drive from Vegas to LA though. Barstow is simply beautiful.

  17. Jen says:

    I have never been. I’m not a gambler but I can see how if you went with a bunch of friends it could be fun. Great photo.

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