Moron of the Week #14

November 16, 2009 by admncc

Please help me congratulate Joshua Basso of Tampa, Florida.  He is the recipient of this week’s “Moron of the Week Award.”  I’d also like to thank readers Leo Nevoli and John for bringing this story to my attention.

Joshua was arrested on November 11th and charged with misuse of the 911 system (a misdemeanor).

What did he do, you ask?  According to an article on The Smoking Gun, he called 911 and “asked a female operator about her breasts and whether she would have sex with him.”  According to an article on News Net 5, Basso chose to call 911 because he “claimed it was the only number he could dial after running out of cell phone minutes.”  News Net 5’s story also said that “Basso reportedly told officers that he didn’t think he would get in trouble for calling 911.”

The strangest part of this story is that he either called while taking a shower or while the shower was running in the background.  If you listen to the 911 call on The Smoking Gun’s web site, Basso “appears to be pleasuring himself while an operator diligently tries to obtain his address.”

I think even The Constant Complainer may be at a loss for words on this one.  But yeah, congratulations, Joshua…


Mugshot courtesy of and the Hillsborough County Jail.

All Posts / Family/Lifestyle / General Moaning / Law and Order / Moron of the Week Award Criminals / Florida / Hillsborough County / Idiots / In the News / Joshua Basso / Misuse of 911 / Moron of the Week / Moron of the Week Award / Morons / Mug Shots / Strange Arrests / Strange News / Stupid People / Tampa / Tampa Police Department / The Smoking Gun /


  1. C. Princess says:

    For him to have that expression on his face I’m trying to figure out what he’s thinking.

  2. Candice says:

    He kinda looks like a chubby t-rex with a peanut sized brain.

  3. The morons do provide us with blogger fodder as you and John can attest to but it’s kinda sad too.

  4. and speaking of morons please view my latest video

    tell me if I am truly crazy with this or if they are even funny. I asked John to look at my vids (boomerblogger channel)and even subscribe. I promise to get better at each video but it’s very time consumeing 8-10 hours for a 3 minute video but you know how us bloggers have to be perfectionists!

  5. 411 women have much sexier voices, woulda been a much better option.

  6. Oh my. People never stop surprising me.

  7. Extreme John says:

    Ahhh only in Florida.

  8. MajorLeague09 says:

    Sometimes I think that these people are the reason why they still make velcro shoes in adult sizes.

  9. Deb says:

    Finally. No more “missing link” in the chain of evolution.

  10. And to think that this is what most of our population is made up of, idiots. He is definitely in line for a Darwin award.

  11. No words, just shaking my head.

  12. Jacki says:

    I have no words for this one.

  13. What in the world? Some people use their brains (um, brains?) for all the wrong things!

  14. TallElf says:

    Perhaps he thought that it really was an emergency…

  15. otin says:

    Had me worried there for a moment! Anytime that I see moron of the week, I expect to see my name! LOL

  16. CosmopolitanChic says:

    Yeah, I heard about this story. From the look on his face, I wonder if she could be a little mentally disturbed—or that could just be the look of shock or guilt, I guess, IDK.

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